
Digital Art and Technology

This is the post excerpt.

How Can Teaching in Digital Age be Influenced by
the Digital Art and Technology

Main Challenges of the Case

Today our society and our social institutions are being reshaped by the rapid advances in information technology: computers telecommunications and networks (Duderstadt, Atkins, & Houlewing, 2002). The most barriers to technology integration include time, training, resources, and support. Teachers need time to learn how to use both the hardware and software, time to plan, and time to collaborate with other teachers, no time to attend training, lack of resources, and lack of financial support (Dias, 1999).

The Importance of the Technology

Modern digital technologies have vastly increased our capacity to know and to do the things and to communicate and collaborate with others (Duderstadt, et al. 2002). Using infographics in the classroom makes the class more interactive. Infographics can help your organization more effectively explain important information (Smiciklas, 2012). Therefore, infographics seem to have a very high potential to bring into education and use it as a useful tool to enhance quality of learning with the strong belief that if it is carefully integrated and used, it will help enhance the quality of learning through its power of visual communication and learning (Vanichvasin, 2013).

How It Applies to My Country

In my country where I am working accepts technologies. Students and parents appreciates more when teachers apply visual aids to teachings. Students are more visual and they learn more on what they see that what they heard. Teachers must be creative and do extra mile  to cater the child needs in education. Teachers must use visual aids for it is not only improve students’ knowledge, it also helps the teacher in classroom management. Students are more attentive and even the so-called easily distracted child can pay attention when teachers apply infographics.

Spiritual Connection

In school Garden of Eden, to Adam and Eve, nature was teeming with divine wisdom (Ed. p. 11). They learned of Him through His works. God uses nature as the book in the school of Eden. In Genesis 6: 13-16, God instructed Noah to make an ark but Noah doesn’t know what is an ark until God showed him how the ark look like. To be a good Christian we must also show our good example to the people that we could reflect Christ character to them and bring them to the feet of Jesus.


Atkins, D., Duderstadt, J. & Houweling, D. (2002). Higher education in a digital age: Technology issues and strategies for American colleges and universities. Greenwood publishing. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.id/books?hl=en&lr=&id=W_ i6 kqu KzncC&oi=fnd&pg=PR7&dq=chlallenges+of+education+today+in+digital+age&ots=aBbfqnX631&sig=7XSZIxTqYVKI3uSkYpleoMBQmXc&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=chlallenges%20of%20education%20today%20in%20digital%20age&f=false

Dias, L. (1999). Integrating technology. vol. 2(3), 11-21 Retrieved from http://www.tangischools.net/TangiTech1/documents/integrating%20technoogy.pdf

Smiciklas, M. (2012). The power of Infographics: Using pictures to communicate and connect with your audiences. Pearson education Inc. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.id /books?hl=en&lr=&id=-rr84ltttj8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR4&dq=important+of+infographics +in+education&ots=cN1Gek4jP5&sig=drq1jZdnWbJ6w_xHD8k6cZ8l_gg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=important%20of%20infographics%20in%20education&f=false

Vanichvasin, P. (2013). Proceedings ICQA 2013: Enhancing the quality of learning through the use of infographics as visual communication tool and learning tool. 135-141 Retrieved from http://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/40779898/ICQA__proceeding_ 2013.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAJ56TQJRTWSMTNPEA&Expires=1485001231&Signature=9YbT36KmR6XSTkESkq4%2FFXqLSfg%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DAccreditation_Quality_Assessment_and_the.pdf#page=136

White, E. (1952). Education. Mountain View, CA: Pacific Press.

Digital Mind Mapping

How Can Teaching in Digital Age be Influenced by
the Digital Mind Mapping

Main Challenges of the Case

If we want to make learning more fun and organize, mind mapping is an effective tool. However, there are some challenges of mind mapping, according to Dorothy (2015), “mind mapping is difficult to use by people who are extremely logical: mind mapping can be extremely useful in a brainstorming session, as it encourages creativity and innovation. However, logical people might find it hard to trust their creativity or intuition, because logic is the dominant side of their thinking pattern. It might be difficult for others to understand once we have created and personalized our map” (p. 3). It also challenges of mind mapping is that the types of links being made may be limited to simple associations and absence of clear links between ideas is also constraint (Davie, 2008).

The Importance of the Technology

Mind mapping is important because according to Douma and Ligierko (2009) students garner a depth and breadth of knowledge, it provides students with collective tool for taking note in class, preparing for exams and organizing complex. Mind mapping can be used in many situations including problem based learning, small group teaching, in a one-to-one context, as an examination tool and for personal revision (Edwards and Cooper, 2010).

How It Applies to My Country

Mind mapping is commonly used in Indonesia. It is good in class discussion. Since I am teaching elementary, mind mapping is one of the skillful plan to use. Lower grades need more explanation with some graphics for them to understand what the teacher trying to emphasize, digesting the whole story into smaller details.

Spiritual Connection

We are told to spread the gospel. Christians have the responsibility to tell to the world the love of God.   God put seed to us and it is our obligation to let the seed grow and be a help to the people. In Mathew 13:32 “the seeds grown greater than a herb and become a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest its branches”. We are one family, the family of God. We need to share that love to the people who never heard the gospel of Christ.



Davies, W. (2008). Concept mapping, mind mapping, and argument mapping: what are the differences and do they matter? Retrieved from http://www.reasoninglab.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Davies_ConceptMindArgumentmapping.pdf

Douma, M. & Ligierko, G. (2009). Creating online mind maps and concept maps. Retrieve from http://www.uwex.edu/disted/conference/resource_library/proceedings/09_20011.pdf

Dorothy ( 2015). Advantages and disadvantages of mind mapping tools. Retrieved from https://ekpenso.com/advantages-and-disadvantages-of-mind-mapping-tools/

Edwards, S. & Copper, N. (2010). Mind mapping as a teaching resource. doi: 10.111/j.1743-498X.2010.00395. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/49660754_ Mind_mapping_as_a_teaching_resource



Digital Notetaking

How Can Teaching in Digital Age be Influenced by
the Digital Notetaking

Main Challenges of the Case

Technology tries to replace the traditional learning environments, media, and activities into digital age. Digital notetaking replaces the traditional hand notetaking. The main challenge here as Oppenheimer and Mueller (2014) mention that “longhand note takers engage in more processing than laptop note takers, which enables them to study the content more efficiently”   (p. 1). Also, Kholifa (2015) expresses that “too much note-taking may reduce rather than increase memory efficiency. Therefore, it should not be overused. One should realize that the key role of ensuring the accuracy of message transfer lies on the memory rather than note-taking” (p. 32).

 The Importance of the Technology

As Malani (2009) mention that “public digital note taking supports active learning, peer learning and inquiry learning, enables the students to benefit from each other different perspectives and to improve their metacogntive skills”. In addition, it helps students learn and retrieve information, note-taking can also be used in professional settings to help people make better decisions, solve problems, and work more efficiently as a group (Friedman,2012).

How It Applies to My Country

Indonesia has their own language and for staying here for almost 8 years I observed that speaking English is not so familiar to all. Moreover, with many foreign companies and organizations here in Indonesia, the need for qualified interpreters to bridge the language barriers are immediate. Note-taking is important to interpreter as it is writing down the exact words of the speaker. Interpreter must be quick to hear to notetaking. Indonesian interpreter must be fluent in English to make no mistakes in conveying words.


Spiritual Connection

We have known the stories of the Bible written by people inspired by God. In 2 Timothy 3:16 says, “All scriptures are written by the people inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives”. Without these people writing down notes we might not know what is wrong and what is right. We might not know that we have God who helps us and gives us salvation.




Friedman, M. (2012). Notes on note-taking: Review of research and insights for students and instructors. Retrieved from http://hilt.harvard.edu/files/hilt/files/notetaking_0.pdf

Kholifah, A. (2015). Note-taking in consecutive interpreting: An essential aid for novice interpreters. Retreived from nobel.uinsby.ac.id/index.php/nobel/article/downlod/22/pdf_2

Malani, R. (2009). Public digital note-taking lectures. Retrieved from https://escholarship.org/uc/item/0j62q16k#page-14

Oppenheimer, D. M., & Mueller, P. A. (2012). The Pen is mightier than the keyboard: Advantages longhand and laptop Note-Taking. doi:10.1177/0956797614524581.SAGE: Retrieved from https://sites.udel.edu/victorp/files/2010/11/ Psychological-Science-2014-Mueller-0956797614524581-1u0h0yu.pdf


Digital Video and Screen Recording

How Can Teaching in Digital Age be Influenced by
the Digital Video and Screen Recording

Main Challenges of the Case

Digital video and recording become popular medium for accessing and stimulating information. To make a record screening must be simple. According to Leeder (2009) “educators using multimedia need to be thoughtful about the amount of information we’re providing through video and audio channels, and the pace at which we’re providing the information, to ensure that we’re giving students enough time to process it in ways that make sense to them. If we provide too much information at once, we cause cognitive overload, at which point our students shut down, lose interest, or otherwise simply stop learning” (p. 1).

The challenge is to balance this simplicity with our other needs: to cater different learning methods, to be accessible to hearing impaired students, and even to be entertaining. Instruction through multimedia is highly challenging, often frustrating, and extremely time-consuming, but when done well it can have a dramatic impact upon student learning (Leeder, 2009)

The Importance of the Technology

Thompson & Lee (2012) stated that “screencasting has been used as a teaching tool in a variety of fields, with mostly positive results reported, specifically in relation to providing students with information and creating additional avenues of access to teaching and materials” (p. 1). Video helps students and faculty to be more collaborative, it makes the learning more engaging, it makes education more flexible, it reaches people wherever they are, and serves people who are often left out when it comes to traditional teaching. It lets schools extend their reach beyond their walls to people who can’t be there in person (Kaltura, 2015).


How It Applies to My Country

Internet connection is a significant tool in using technologies in the class where the students may access the contents or online video lecture on the website outside the class. Indonesia has a great opportunity in implementing video/audio services for higher education for it has internet connection available. In my school, here in Manado, Indonesia has adequate internet facilities and it’s up to the teacher how he/she make use of these services. Therefore, it is no doubt that the use of technology in education becomes a significant factor to achieve students’ effective learning and teacher’s effective teaching in the twenty first century (Zainuddin, 2015).

Spiritual Connection

In the coming of Christ, we are all going to meet Him face to face and He will show to us our deeds while we are on earth. Books will open and all the record will be shown to the people. In Revelation 20:12, “ …as the dead were judged according to what they had done, as recorded”. Let us all do good, find us righteous and worthy to inherit the kingdom of God.


Kaltura, (2015). Using interactive video to improve learning outcomes.  White paper: Retrieved from https://corp.kaltura.com/sites/default/files/Using%20Interactive%20 Video%20to% 20Improve%20Learning%20Outcomes%20whitepaper.pdf

Leeder, K. (2009).  Learning to teach through video. Retrieved from http://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2009/learning-to-teach-through-video/

Thompson, R. & Lee, M. (2012). Talking with students through screencasting: experimentation with video feedback to improve student learning.  The Journal of interactive technology and pedagogy, Retrieved from https://jitp.commons.gc.cuny.edu/talking-with-students-through-screencasting-experimentations-with-video-feedback-to-improve-student-learning/

Zainuddin, Z. (2015). Exploring the potential of flipped classroom approach for higher education in Aceh. Retrieved from https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zamzami_Zainuddin / publication/290740191_EXPLORING_THE_POTENTIAL_OF_FLIPPED_CLASSROOM_APPROACH_FOR_HIGHER_EDUCATION_IN_ACEH/links/569b479808ae6169e55e2d57.pdf

Audio Auditing and Podcasting

How Can Teaching in Digital Age be Influenced by
the Audio Auditing and Podcasting

Main Challenges of the Case

Many issues need to be considered for educational podcasters. Although it is a new medium, it shares many of the same challenges as other casting methods. Podcasting is not regulated, and sometimes the content of some podcasts can be unsuitable for students (Flanagan & Calandra, 2005). Another challenge is that, podcasting is lack of visual link; powerpoint or written on the board, students are not able to ask questions, difficulty of capturing peripheral sound (Tynan & Colbran, 2006).

The Importance of the Technology

Podcasting has the potential to provide many benefits to educators. It provides them with a low-cost method to distribute timely audio content seamlessly to students. At the same time, podcasting can give students additional opportunities to learn course content, with the benefit of being at times and locations convenient to them (Gribbins, 2007). Podcasting may also be a useful tool in e-learning environments for the visually challenged.  Students can learn though listening (Cebeci & Tekdal, 2006).

How It Applies to My Country

Though Indonesia is still a developing country, podcasting is also use in some part of the country. As Istanto nd Indrianti (2011) said that “starting July 2011, the Bahasa Indonesia Programme implemented the use of Information and Communication Technologies by developing and introducing its Interactive Multimedia Courseware to beginners’ level students of Indonesian language. The courseware was designed as to provide supplementary materials to enhance students’ proficiency beyond classroom instruction. The most recent development is the integration of the Pelangi Bahasa Indonesia Podcast2 into the courseware by the authors in January 2009. The podcast offers greater flexibility for auditory learners in the learning process and supports learning on the move (p. 371). In my school where I am teaching I have not seen teachers using podcast. In my own opinion, podcast is more effective in the Spelling subject as it tests the listening skills and for visually challenged learner.

Spiritual Connection

As the song says,” Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling”. Jesus is calling us every minute all we have to do is to listen to His voice. God speaks to us through our minds and hearts. God speaks audibly to His children when He has placed them in situations that require great faith. In Psalms 29: 4 says, “The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic”. All we need to do is to put our full trust in Him.



Cebeci, Z. & Tekdal, M. (2006). Using podcast as audio learning objects. 2, 1-11. Retrieved from http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download? doi= rep=rep 1&type=pdf

Flanagan, B. & Calandra, B. ( 2005). Podcasting in the classroom. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ728915.pdf

Gribbins, M. ( 2007).The perceived usefulness of podcasting I higher education: A survey of students’ attitudes and intention to use. 1-8. Retrieved from http://aisel.aisnet.org/cgi/ viewcontent.cgi?article=1085&context=mwais2007

Istanto, J. & Indrianti (2011). Pelangi bahasa indonesia podcast: What, why and how? 8 (1), 371-384. Retrieved from http://e-flt.nus.edu.sg/v8s12011/istanto.pdf

Tynan, B. & Colbran, S.(2006). Podcasting, student learning and expectations. Retrieved from https://eprints.usq.edu.au/21168/3/Tynan_Colbran_ASCILITE_2006PV.pdf


Digital Animation

How Can Teaching in Digital Age be Influenced by
the Digital Animation

Main Challenges of the Case

In an era of ubiquitous digital technology, it is difficult to imagine a time when computers where the stuff of dreams and a science of fiction (Chong, 2008).  It challenges that much of today’s creation and production of images is indeed perform with computers. As a result, some of traditional barriers between visual disciplines no longer exist (Kerlow, 2002). Decades ago, the photographer has to take his camera to capture reality on film and the traditional animator would use pencil and a light table to draw but today, everything is in the computer (Kerlow, 2002).

The Importance of the Technology

School is often too easy for some kids and too hard for others even when they are the same classroom (Gee). The supposed benefits of teachers’ use of digital technology are well reported throughout the academic literature- most often involving issues of enhanced learning outcomes, increased pupil engagement and more efficient management and organisation of learning (Perrotta, 2012). We are looking for new ways to make the lesson exciting. When children are having fun they tend to learn better. It’s even scientifically proven retention of information is higher when it is communicated using both visual and verbal communication. The use of animation can significantly enhance student learning if properly designed and implemented (CG Pundit).

How It Applies to My Country

Despite Indonesia progress in technology, the country still has a long way to go (McKinsey, 2016). In my school, we have materials to use for the lessons and if animation is applied in the class the more the students engage in the lesson. It is only the creativity of the teachers how to use the materials.  Though Indonesia is still a developing country but in our school, most of the students are well-equipped in technologies. Teachers should be innovative and creative to become an effective teacher.

Spiritual Connection

Digital animation helps enhance learning, improves businesses, enlarge imaginations, etc. Everything is in the click on the computer. However, we must be careful in everything that we see in animation for others contains program that will destroy our mind. As the Bible says in 1 Peter 5:8 “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour”.


CG Pundit. Animation and education. Retrieved from http://www.cgpundit.com/animation-in-education/

Chong, A. (2008). Digital animation. London: UK. Retrieved from https://books.google.co.id/books?hl=en&lr=&id=UVc3DQAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP1&dq=digital+animation&ots=uMtmTwNZzp&sig=fiZ7XbIQ8FXS2JsCt8gfUbEpk4Y&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=digital%20animation&f=false

Kerlow, I. (2004). The art of 3D computer animation and effects (3rd. ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Retrieved from https://books.google.co.id/books?hl=en&lr=&id=5G-5iyasSk8C&oi=fnd&pg=PR10&dq=effect+of+animation+on+children&ots=69yWX5oB57&sig=ld4y8CFH-mkHBo8XueyWOhAbBgg&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=effect%20of%20animation%20on%20children&f=false

Gee, J.P.  Learning by design: Good video games as learning machine. 1-30. Madison, WI: Retrieved from http://www.academiccolab.org/resources/documents/Game%20Paper.pdf

Mc Kinsey & Company.  (2016). Unlocking Indonesia’s digital opportunity. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/Joycelin/Downloads/Unlocking-Indonesias-digital-opportunity.pdf

Perrotta, C. (2012).      Do school-level factors influence the educational benefits of digital technology? A critical analysis of teachers’ perception. 44 (2), 314-327. Doi:10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01304.x  Retrieved from http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com /doi/10.1111/j.1467-8535.2012.01304.x/full